If you are have having an emergency call 911
Domestic Violence 24-hour Crisis Line: 360-385-5291
Mental Health Crisis Line: 360-385-0321
(Ask for the crisis worker on call)
Crisis intervention, shelter, and advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault
Dove House was founded in 1979 and became officially incorporated in 1983 under the original name Domestic Violence Sexual Assault of Jefferson County. In 2009, construction of the Dove House offices was completed and the agency officially changed the name to Dove House Advocacy Services.
We provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and general crimes.
Dove House operates a temporary emergency shelter for victims fleeing domestic violence, as well as a transitional housing program for women and families transitioning into independence.
For more information about supporting the important work of Dove House for Jefferson County families in-need, please visit: https://www.dovehousejc.org/donate.html
A Community Coffee House
The Nest is a Community Coffee House - where 100% of the proceeds will go towards youth and young adult programming. In addition to coffee, The Nest Outreach Advocates will be available for young people to explore opportunities via resources, community connections, outreach, events, and simply interacting, building connections and social capital.
Check their website for up-to-date information: www.owl360.org
For information abour donating supplies, funds or your time, please visit www.owl360.org/donations
A beautiful, safe, warm, drug-and-alcohol-free space for everyone.
Check their website for up-to-date information: https://www.recoverycafejc.org/
Part of the Jefferson County Food Bank Association
Check their website for up-to-date information: https://jeffersoncountyfoodbanks.org/port-townsend.html
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